Awards & Contests
At District Convention, clubs have the opportunity to compete and be recognized for their service throughout the prior the year. First place winners for all club service awards, club contests (with the exception of Table Decoration), and individual contests are eligible for international entry. Awards & Contests will be judged by non-affiliated individuals and the winners will be announced at the Saturday night and Sunday morning sessions!
Awards recognition is not guaranteed based on entry. To keep in line with the Key Club International Objectives to promote a high standard of achievement, awards will be presented based on merit and not by single category entry or by default.
Click on each award/contest to view rules and application.
Deadline is listed in each application.​​
March 23, 2025, marks the 100th anniversary of Key Club International! The International Executive Committee created the Centennial Challenge to foster membership growth and promote district development. International has a set rubric for districts. If districts complete the challenge, numerous incentives are awarded at ICON.
Based on this, the Alabama District Board has developed a similar rubric to incentivize at the club level for helping increase district growth. The challenge is open to all clubs. Clubs who complete the Centennial Challenge will be recognized at the District Convention. The top ten clubs with the most points can win awards.
Nominated Recognitions

Stanley T. Johnson
Outstanding Club President Award
Awarded for outstanding self-discipline, teamwork, and dedication to the ideals of Key Club.

J. Whit King Outstanding Club Award
Awarded to the most outstanding Club in the Alabama District.

Hoyt Lee Outstanding Kiwanian Award
Awarded to the most outstanding Kiwanian in the Alabama District.

Robert L. Bottsford Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award
Awarded to the most outstanding Faculty Advisor in the Alabama District.

Sandy Nininger Medal
Awarded to a Key Clubber for outstanding self-discipline, teamwork, and dedication to the ideals of Key Club.

George L. Price Service to Youth Medal
Awarded to an adult that significantly contributes to the wellbeing of the students and clubs.

Robert M Palys Heart of the District
The highest honor bestowed on an individual (student or adult)
in the Alabama District.
Club Service Awards

Single Service
Compete with your club's best single service project for the year.

Major Emphasis Award
View the MEP coversheet and submission form.

Signature Project Award
*International Award given at ICON
Recognition of individual Key Clubs for the single best service project. The club’s service project shall be planned, organized and produced by the Key Club.

Club Achievement Report
Each Key Club is required to complete and submit this annual report at DCON. This report will guide the Judge John H. White Achievement Award for overall club performance.
Print report and bring to DCON.
Club Contests

Key Club Promotional Video Contest
Make a promotional video for Key Club that would recruit future Key Clubbers.

Club Social Media Contest
The Social Media Award will be awarded to the club that has an outstanding profile highlighting their club.​

Member Recruitment Poster Non-Digital
A non-digital member recruitment poster.

Traditional Scrapbook Contest
A scrapbook containing pictures, souvenirs, etc., of its activities during the club administrative year.

Non-Traditional Scrapbook Contest
A non-traditional scrapbook or composition of other media containing pictures or other representations of its activities
during the club administrative year.
Individual Contests

A contest that showcases the diverse talents of Key Club members from all around the state. Contestants must submit a video audition before Saturday morning of DCON.

Oratorical Competition
Key Club members create an original speech (maximum of five minutes) in response to that year’s prompt. The contest is judged based on the speech itself and the delivery of the speech.
Contestants must submit a video audition before Saturday morning of DCON.
Help is always needed at Convention!
If you would like to serve as a judge at the 2025 District Convention, please submit your information here.