Elections for Lt. Governor, Secretary, District Governor, and endorsement for international office will take place at District Convention. Please see the information below for more details about elected office.
Lt. Governor Ethan Schmidt shares why he chose to run for Lieutenant Governor. Ethan represents the Birmingham Metro Area on the District Board (Division 6). Watch video above to learn more about running for at District Convention in March 2023.
Lt. Governor Testimonial

District Governor serves as the Chief Executive and Chair of the Board of Trustees.
District Secretary serves as the organization's number two executive and assists the Governor directly.
Lt. Governor
Lt. Governors support club leaders and promote service opportunities in their respective divisions.
International Office
To learn more information about the Office of President and election procedures, please click to arrow.
Vice President
To learn more information about the Office of VP and election procedures, please click to arrow.
To learn more information about our International Trustees and their election procedures, please below.